Right before the holiday break I was on track with my running schedule.
I was getting ready for my next trail race in January and was seeing good progress in my fitness and training.
Life was good!
That was until I went on vacation for a few weeks with my family. We had a great time but my running suffered. I completely fell off track with my training.
When we got back home all of us got sick and my running was again on pause.
Now that we are all back and thankfully healthy, I'm having a hard time getting back to my training.
In my mind, I’ve been questioning going on our vacation and beating myself for having had a good time only to pay the price with my running.
My inner critic kept reminding me of my lack of foresight with thoughts like, "Next time, I'm not going on vacation!" and "Other people have this all figured out, why not you Rizwan?" or “Why am ?”
In the past I would believe these thoughts and they would send into a downward spiral, prolonging my return to get back on track with my training.
But not this time!
This time I am prepared.
Stop acting against the natural current of life
In Taoism there is the concept of Wu Wei, which is translated to "effortless action" or doing things in harmony with the natural order of the universe, the Dao.
In Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu, the Chinese philosopher, wrote:
“The Master understands that the universe is forever out of control, and that trying to dominate events goes against the current of the Tao.”
I have been foolish and trying so hard to keep things the same. I've spent so much energy and time trying to keep things from changing when change is the essence of life, it's the natural order of the universe.
Shedding my old beliefs and coming to the realization that I am not in control of events is liberating.
I don't need to put up a struggle when things don't go as planned.
I don't need to worry or become anxious about what will or will not happen.
I don't need to spend time overthinking every little obstacle that could be in my way.
I can go with the flow and make the best of life as it happens no matter how many times I need to start again.
I am not in control and don't need to be in control.
Instead of trying to control the universe and wishing for life to be perfect I can accept each moment as it arises both good and bad to make the best of it.
When I fall down I get up when I can.
When I get off track I get back on when I can.
When I experience change I accept it and flow around it.
Get good at starting again
I love how Leo Babauta, who writes about mindfulness and simplicity, puts it,
"What we need to do is get good at starting, then starting again. And again. This is an incredible skill that becomes a superpower, when everyone else is wringing their hands about how much they suck at life, how difficult things are, how everything has fallen apart. Instead, we just focus on starting again, and let go of all the stress."
Instead of thinking of ourselves as victims of life's curveballs what if we let go of that story and the stress that comes with it and focused our energy on starting again and again, however many times we need to.
Let's come to terms with the fact that life is going to be a rough ride.
We will get sick
We will have competing priorities
We will have to travel
We will have to change plans
We will get off track
We will need to start over and over and over again.
So the next time your life gets disrupted and your plans go off track, resist the negative thoughts that may arise and choose to take a small step forward to realign, reaffirm, and recommit to your life so you can become resilient with whatever comes your way.
Let's make starting again our superpower!
We got this!✊🏽