👂🏼Mindful Listening Exercise - 09/30/24
Turn the making of your favorite beverage a mindful listening moment to notice the wonder of the present moment. ✨
“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future; live the actual moment. Only this moment is life.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Our lives are full of distractions.
Pings, dings, rings, interruptions, quick-looks, thoughts, anxieties, day-dreaming, overthinking, and the stories our minds create can take us far away from what we are doing in the present moment.
The cost of these distractions can be quite high. When we don't pay attention we miss out on important information and worse we come off as not caring and lost in our own world which negatively affects the relationships with our loved ones and in our workplace.
But there is a way out by practicing mindfulness.
Mindfulness is defined as purposeful and non-judgemental present moment awareness.
Mindfulness helps us keep our attention focused on what we are doing in each moment so we can feel alive and present instead of lost in thought.
Today's mindfulness exercise is focused on listening so we can stay in the present moment through our sense of sound. The next time you go to make your favorite beverage, take a mindful break and try out this exercise.
Make a cup of coffee, tea, or your favorite beverage.
Focus on each step in the process by listening to the sounds made during each step of the process. For example, listen carefully to the sound made when you get the cup from the cupboard. Hear the cupboard door open and the mug tapping another mug as you take it out, or turn on the faucet to get water and hear the sound of the water flowing and hitting the sink.
Notice the sounds at each step and see how many different sounds you notice.
Optional: Share your observations in the comments
My hope is you will begin noticing the ordinary moments come alive with awe and wonder through all of rich sounds you experience.
There is opportunity in each moment and this exercise is a great way to strengthen our focus and mindfulness in each moment and to stay present with what is right in front of us.
Also, let me know how this exercise goes for you.
Remember, your mind is everything.
Concise, simple, and actionable - love it! I often find it so hard to do "mindfulness" exercises because there are so many "ways" people suggest to do it - but I do think simpler is better.
I love this! Somehow it makes me appreciate the silence more, as well.
I have something similar that I often do: It’s also noticing, but using the sense of touch. Such as while I type this, I try to focus on the smoothness of the phone in my hand. Hadn’t thought of using sound!