As a creator, I am fully embracing the #buildinpublic credo. During my journey, I will be sharing my ups and downs, my wins and losses, the challenges, and the successes I face along the way as I build the Low Fidelity creative platform and community.
As a new podcast host, I want to share my podcasting process to give you some insight into the inner workings and inner challenges I face along the way.
Here are the steps:
Search for guest - “This is going to be so much fun!”
Send intro email/DM - Anxiety kicks in…Tick Tock…Tick..Tock…”What if they say no but what if they say yes?”
Research guest - “Wow, they are amazing. What am I doing with my life?”
Intro meeting - “That was so much fun. I can’t wait to have the interview!”
Create episode artwork - Daydream about skipping over the editing part and going straight to publishing the episode.
Plan conversation topics and outline - Impostor syndrome kicks in right about now!
Interview guest - Having a conversation with my guest has inspired me and changed how I think. Wow, I have grown because of our interaction. This is why I started the podcast. I love it!
Edit recording - Day 1 - Procrastinate. Procrastinate even more. “I can do this!. I hate my voice! What’s going on in the Twitterverse?”
Edit recording - Day 2 - Have doubts about what I’m doing and why.
Edit recording - Day 10 - “I hate my voice!”
Edit recording (Day x) - ”There is light at the end of the tunnel!”
Record episode intro and outro - ”My guest is probably wondering what happened. I should let them know why it is taking so long to publish the episode.”
Publish episode - “I finally did it!”
Prepare transcript - “Yikes, I really said that?”
Create episode page on website - “This is pretty cool”
Promote episode - “I did it and I must do it again!”
So as you can see there are many steps involved in producing a single episode of the podcast and there are many inner obstacles that present themselves along the way which could stop me from moving forward. What keeps me going is the wonderful conversations I have with my guests and the insights they share that help all of us to grow in our own unique ways.
Thank you for being a big part of the Low Fidelity community. Without you, none of this would be possible. 🙏🏽
Till next time, stay strong!