Love the Time Timer. I have been using it for almost a year.

I wouldn't rank it as an S tier for productivity hacks. Maybe like B tier depending on the context.

I don't find the 25-minute sprints great for my type of work. I usually do 40 min cycles or longer up to 1 hr 30 min max. It's usually either a -10 min task or a 40+ min one. Ymmv.

However, there's something ritualistic about turning the dial that helps get me into a competitive game mindset, which helps for reaching flow.

It definitely helps with time blindness as well.

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The ritual is an amazing part of this technique. You know once you turn that dial, you're in Go! mode. I think the next step for me is to start documenting what I am spending my time on. Good point on using a different session cycle time. It's easy to stay in the comfort zone of 25 minutes, I'll also try extending it and getting more focus time in. Thanks Erick! :)

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