Low Fidelity is a free weekly newsletter that provides fresh insights on mindset, mindfulness, and personal growth. Empowering you to show up, thrive, and achieve your full creative potential.
Being in the present moment,
right here,
right now,
with what is in front of me,
what is within me,
what is around me,
what I am doing,
what is happening to me,
what is moving through me,
what is changing me,
what is changing around me,
what I am seeing,
what I am hearing,
what I am feeling,
what I am thinking,
what I am sensing,
where I am,
what my expectations are,
what my fears are,
what my worries are,
what my sadness is,
what my pain feels like,
what my joy looks like,
what my happiness brings,
how I am complete in this very moment.
Being in this moment exactly how it is, a simple, effortless present moment that happens all by itself.
Being right here, right now, in this bare, raw, and actual present moment.
We fear death, imagining this bodymind to be something solid and persisting, something separate from the rest of the universe. We crave what we don’t have and resist what we are. Fearing the thought-created specter of meaninglessness, we search desperately for meaning, and the more we search for it, the more meaningless everything seems.
- Joan Tollifson
Take care
Great post! I like the inclusion of where and how in the middle and at the end. This adds depth.
Beautiful poem - you should publish more!
The last line hits hard