I recently had one of these moments as I was running up a hill during one of my hill repeat training runs. I would usually stop running halfway up as my mind would remind me that this was my limit and now I could walk the rest of the way up. On my last hill repeat, my friend suggested we keep running past the halfway point and see how far we could go. I'm always up for a challenge so I took him up on it and we started our run up the hill. As we got to the halfway point we kept running and I was expecting to run a few more feet only but then something amazing happened, I kept going. My mind wasn't telling me to stop anymore and my legs kept moving as if they had blocked all communication from my mind. I kept running until I reached the top of the hill and reenacted the iconic scene from Rocky climbing the 72 steps leading up to the entrance of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
This was a liminal moment for me, which as Dave Gray, author of Liminal Thinking describes as a moment that shifts your perspective and changes your life.
That moment is now frozen in my mind as a shift in my perspective. I had set limits for myself and believed those limits to be my reality but pushing myself out of my comfort zone allowed me to see a new reality for myself.
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Join the Discussion on Liminal Moments
I recently had one of these moments as I was running up a hill during one of my hill repeat training runs. I would usually stop running halfway up as my mind would remind me that this was my limit and now I could walk the rest of the way up. On my last hill repeat, my friend suggested we keep running past the halfway point and see how far we could go. I'm always up for a challenge so I took him up on it and we started our run up the hill. As we got to the halfway point we kept running and I was expecting to run a few more feet only but then something amazing happened, I kept going. My mind wasn't telling me to stop anymore and my legs kept moving as if they had blocked all communication from my mind. I kept running until I reached the top of the hill and reenacted the iconic scene from Rocky climbing the 72 steps leading up to the entrance of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
This was a liminal moment for me, which as Dave Gray, author of Liminal Thinking describes as a moment that shifts your perspective and changes your life.
That moment is now frozen in my mind as a shift in my perspective. I had set limits for myself and believed those limits to be my reality but pushing myself out of my comfort zone allowed me to see a new reality for myself.
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