Impostor syndrome is real and can have damaging effects on your mental health but you don't need to suffer in silence.
I experience it on a daily basis especially when someone compliments me. My first thought is "They're just being nice and don't want to hurt my feelings."
Sound familiar?
Instead, I can reframe the thought into "Yes, I put in the effort and I am building my skills which is proof that I am making progress."
We can stand up to the negative thoughts by questioning them as they arise.
Learning to appreciate your accomplishments however small can help you reframe those thoughts and build the resilience within you to stand up to impostor syndrome.
Always remember that you are amazing!
How does impostor syndrome show up for you? Reply to this email and let’s find ways to stand up to it! 💜
Have a wonderful day!
Thank you!! I write down all the nice things people say to me in my "Tasks for Today" Notes file. That way, when I look at all that I've accomplished each month, I also get positive reinforcement!!
(*I also include the things I need to work through, like if something upsets me, and I tick that off my list, too. So that I can physically move past the emotion.) Writing it out helps me work it out.