oooooo your critic is nasty!! You are awesome, Rizwan!! Thank you for sharing this deeply personal message with the world.

I like calling it a blurt. haha It makes a lot of sense to acknowledge them so we can move past it.

Yesterday, I had a fabulous call with Agnes Ang who said that her secret is to add the word *yet* to any of the negative self talk.

For example: "I'm not great at Figma." changes to "I'm not great at Figma, yet."

By adding, yet. She says it helps put your mind into action mode. And that taking action then helps you prioritize and structure your moves to get better at something. Instead of keeping you in the box of negativity.

It blew my mind.

And it actually helped me get out of the perfectionist mindset, and launch the beta version of my website yesterday.

Good for you for getting outside your comfort zone and tackling this inner beast of negative talk.

You rock!!! keep it up!!

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I love the technique of say…yet. We are constantly learning and growing so our current state is not our future state. Congratulations on launching your beta website. That’s a great way to get past the perfectionist tendencies that pop up. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Go Hilary!

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Thank you!!!!

It's not perfect, yet! hahaha but I know it will be :)

I've already received an enormous amount of feedback from the community, and changed and tweaked a few things :)

Progress is progress baby!!!


Go Us!!!!

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That’s the way to do it. What’s the url? I would love to check it out.

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I will add my own domain during the next billing cycle :) haha

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