Thanks for the highlight Rizwan! I appreciate the thoughtful words. Also enjoyed the other gems - especially the idea to short circuit screen addiction with a notebook. Gonna try that one today.

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Your words and your zines are inspirational. All your zines are terrific! I’m glad I came across your newsletter. ✌️

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Loved this one!

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Thank you for sharing a wonderful gem about β€˜Shoulds’. It’s one of those ideas that opens up our path forward. I’m going to dive into it again to make sure I understand it at a deeper level. Thanks Kim!

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Great round up! I saw a video of Adam Grant explaining how he implements β€œI’m giving you these comments because I have very high expectations and I know that you can reach them" and it was SO powerful! Also like his approach on being vulnerable as the feedback-giver.... fits in with the VIEW mindset that I'll be sharing in my upcoming post. Nice one!!

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Now I’m curious to learn about the VIEW method and look forward to reading your post. Yeah feedback is a sensitive topic so giving it the care, attention, and intention is key. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Zan!

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