Double-like for mentioning Feynman. 😁

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Thanks! Feynman’s message finally clicked for me. 😊

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I believe the Buddha said his teachings were like a finger pointing at the moon. “Do not mistake the finger for the moon.” This I think is similar to the idea that the map is not the territory. The same is true for language. We should not confuse words with what they mean.

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Thanks Dave! It took some time but now I understand what Buddha meant by those words. It's amazing how we fall into the illusion that we fully understand something from its name. Even our own identity is a map we have created which is not real but we take it to be something concrete.

Thanks for writing the insightful book Liminal Thinking. It is a good illusion-buster so we can better understand ourselves, other people, and the world around us. 🙏🏽

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Very good. Excellent subject, great work. I was planning a post on this, some time later, as well. I would

add here some sort of humour to it, please don't take it too seriously.

1 A map is the only reality we have, the rest, for example - reality, is only a concept. We, as we know ourselves, are maps only, and, at the same time, for ourselves, are the only reality we know.

2 When saying "distortion", it would be good to clarify - in relation what. Seems the reality was implied in relation to the distortion? However, we admit that we do not know the reality. Quite interesting, that not knowing the reality, we say we are distorted as maps of reality. This can be solved. If we do not use the comparison "reality-map", and instead use the comparison "map- human needs", we might discover that the "map" is just an echo of the "inner" reality which serves to satisfy the needs. Based on the fact we are still alive, the map works well, so far, even it is 23:57 on the doomsday clock.

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Thanks Ruslan. I'm glad I had my first cup of coffee as I was reading your comment. I may need a second cup to truly grasp the ideas. ;)

You share some great points to ponder.

1. We ourselves are maps and the only reality we know.

2. Our maps are critical in helping us satisfy our needs and for survival.

I would love to read your post on this idea. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and helping me see this idea from a different lens.

Thanks Ruslan! 🙏🏽

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I absolutely love this idea - and it's one of my favourites.

Whenever something complex is mapped/explained/described, it is reduced into something smaller than the true thing.

That's why we can't lecture birds how to fly (as Nassim Taleb would say).

Love it!

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